Bette Midler once sang, “You are the wind beneath my wings”. A beautiful tune — sappy, but a classic. That’s just one example out of a multitude of songs about finding those select individuals who metaphorically “lift you up”. But how about literally? As cool as it would be to actually fly, we humans sadly haven’t evolved like the dinosaurs of old into birds. But before you get all desperate and start wearing fake plastic wings around town, just relax. I know a guy.

Similarly to Breath Of The Wild's utilization of Champions, Tears Of The Kingdom doesn’t leave you to sort out Hyrule’s problems on your own. You’re introduced to four Companions who will subsequently lend their sage-like powers to your already awesome skills (looking at you, Ascend). Out of all four of these Companions though, Tulin, the young warrior from Rito, is hands down the best. Not only is he one upbeat avian who isn’t afraid to jump into the fray with his bow when things get dicey, but as you spend a good chunk of the game paragliding from nose-bleeding heights, he definitely (ahem)…elevates things.

Tears of the Kingdom - Tulin and Dad

Like any good friendship, ours was forged through fire. Well, technically blistering cold, but you get the metaphor. When I finally got my head out of my ass and stopped ignoring the Regional Phenomena main quests, I was strongly advised by Purah to go to Rito Village in the northwest portion of Hyrule. No problem. How bad could that be? I thought. Sure the bird-like bipedal inhabitants of Rito may dwell at high altitudes, but a little wind can be refreshing. Wrong. Turns out that this innocuous-sounding “phenonema” is really a perennial blizzard caused by a mysterious swirling cloud hovering high above the village. In fact, if it weren’t for the sub-zero temperatures ruining Rito’s crops and resources, the snow would be enjoyable, like Christmas in a gigantic tree house.

Once you meet up with Teba and Saki, the Rito Village elders, you’re re-introduced to their son, Tulin. You remember this little guy from Breath Of The Wild, right? Six years ago he was a scrawny hatchling clinging to his dad at the Flight Range. Now, he’s a bow-hunting badass itching for some action. Interestingly enough, his newfound warrior tendencies haven’t sucked the childlike giddiness from him yet. He’s constantly wide-eyed and smiling about something. A far cry from the incredibly unpleasant Revali from Breath Of The Wild, Tulin’s a positive bird-man who just wants to make his folks proud. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it’s really all about family with Tears of the Kingdom.

Tears of the Kingdom - Tulin Fighting

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In what would be otherwise be an irresponsible act of parenting, Tulin’s mom and dad let him head off solo to find the source of the blizzard. But he’s not really alone, is he? Out of good conscious (and to inch the game’s plot forward), I accompanied him, and after helping him retrieve his prized bow from some frosty Bokoblins, we were soon swapping stories and songs like a couple of thieves. Then, before you could say “Song of the Stormwind Ark”, this kid unveiled his real skills: the Power of Wind, which is essentially a temporary gust that propels you further while paragliding. While this ability was crucial for navigating the sky and cruising long distances, Tulin had my back in other ways too.

Now, I’m admittedly not the best gamer. Hell, basic logic in Tears of the Kingdom confounds me. That’s why it’s so nice to have someone I can thoroughly rely on in a scrap, and Tulin definitely puts the “T” in team. Flying Aerocudas populate the sky on your way to the Wind Temple, but instead of wasting your own precious weapons cache, Tulin silently fells all of them with a few conservative shots. This proactive approach continued into the Wind Temple, where my little buddy took out Flame Throwing Constructs single-handedly while I floundered around trying not to die.

Tears of the Kingdom - Tulin Gust

That being said, I don’t mean to throw shade on the other three Companions, as everyone does their respective parts to the best of their abilities. Yunobo the Goron is our ideal blunt instrument, rolling himself into a ball and hurling himself at impediments, Sidon the Zora provides you with a temporary bubble shield and Riju from Gerudo Town lends her lightning archery talents to your battles, but still, if I had to choose just one ride-or-die chum, it’d still be Tulin.

Just like with real-life friendships, chemistry is a factor. Tulin’s willingness to unflinchingly and instinctively take out enemies while maintaining his positive outlook on life is, well, inspiring. Even though Tulin’s just a kid barely finished with his Rito exams, he makes me want to be the best Link that I can be, and that’s what true companionship is all about. You know, there is another song about two best buddies getting higher, but I'll let you unpack that Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg gem on your own time.

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