Episode 5 of The Mandalorian Season 3 will be released on Wednesday, March 29th at 1:00 AM PT. The upcoming episode will be available for international fans on Disney Plus, and here's the schedule it will follow for different locations:

  • Pacific Time: 1:00 AM
  • Mountain Time: 2:00 AM
  • Central Time: 3:00 AM
  • Eastern Time: 4:00 AM
  • British Time: 9:00 AM
  • European Time: 10:00 AM
  • Indian Time: 1:30 PM

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Episode 5 is now right around the corner, and fans can't wait to jump back in after the previous episode focused on the rescue of Ragnar Vizsla after he was captured by a giant raptor. The forthcoming episode is directed by Peter Ramsey, and the screenplay is written by Jon Favreau. The runtime for the episode is rumored to be 41 minutes and 3 seconds.

What Happened Previously On The Mandalorian?

Djarin took Grogu on a tour of the combat training taken by Mandalorians, and Djarin set Grogu's match against a man named Ragnar Vizsla. They had a match of darts, in which, Grogu defeated Ragnar easily. But soon after the match, Ragnar was abducted by a giant raptor. As a result, a search party was prepared for Ragnar, led by Bo-Katan, which also included Djarin and Paz Vizsla.

The Mandalorian season 3 episode 5

Everyone headed to the raptor's location, and then the scene shifted to the base camp, where we saw Armorer crafting a new Mandalorian armor for Grogu, a rondel with a mudhorn sigil. The armor gave a flashback to Grogu from the planet Coruscant, and he saw his rescue at the hands of Jedi Master Kelleran Beq from the Clone Troopers.

Back to the present, Bo-Katan and her team headed to the raptor's nest, and Paz's hasty actions to save his son led him to be cornered by a few Raptors. However, Bo-Katan and the others managed to defeat the raptor, save Ragnar, and take the raptor's children back with them to raise them. Bo-Katan's efforts earned her the huge respect of the Mandalorians. While fighting the raptor, Bo-Katan lost her puldron and told Armorer to feature Mythosaur in the new one he was forging for her. She also told about her encounter with Mythosaur in Mandalore

NEXT: The Mandalorian: Who Is Bo-Katan